About Us

Bridging Gaps, Building Futures

UFS Digital Empowerment Foundation (UFS-DEF) is committed to bridging financial gaps and fostering brighter futures for individuals and businesses. Our mission is rooted in inclusivity and innovation, focusing on making financial access more accessible and inclusive. By targeting low-income communities and supporting economic development through tailored financial products and services, we ensure sustainable growth and empowerment. Leveraging advanced technology, UFS-DEF streamlines financial processes to provide transparent, efficient, and impactful solutions. Through strategic partnerships with financial institutions and international organizations, we enhance our ability to offer access to credit, technical expertise, and global best practices. At UFS-DEF, we are more than a financial institution; we are your partner in progress, dedicated to bridging financial gaps and building futures filled with opportunities.

Business Loans <br> For Daily Expenses

Our Mission and Objective

At UFS Digital Empowerment Foundation (UFS-DEF), our mission is to empower individuals and businesses by providing accessible and tailored financial solutions. We aim to foster economic growth and social development through innovative financial services that drive progress and improve livelihoods. Our commitment is to create a supportive and inclusive financial environment, enabling everyone to achieve their dreams and contribute positively to their communities.

Enhance Financial Accessibility: Provide a wide range of financial products to meet diverse needs.
Promote Economic Growth: Support entrepreneurs and businesses with tailored financial solutions.
Foster Social Development: Offer financial support for essential services to improve community well-being.
Ensure Financial Inclusion: Reach underserved communities with tailored financial services.
Build Trust and Transparency: Maintain a transparent and ethical financial process.

Quick Decision

Start at your convenience.

Submit Your Info

Get started whenever you're ready.

Funds To You

Begin the process when it suits you.


Beneficiary Profiles

Detailed records of each beneficiary, including demographic information, type of enterprise, and specific products or services offered


Training Details

Comprehensive data on the training programs attended by each beneficiary, including the nature of the training, duration, and the skills acquired.


Financial Assistance

Information on the micro-loans and other financial support required by the beneficiaries, including loan amounts and impact on business growth./p>


Geographical Distribution:

Data on the geographical distribution of entrepreneurs, allowing for region-specific analysis and targeted interventions

Database Integration

Comprehensive Training and Micro Database Integration

UFS Digital Empowerment Foundation (UFS-DEF), being a 100% subsidiary of UPICON, gains a significant boost from this association. The symbiotic relationship between UPICON and UFS-DEF is instrumental in driving growth and success, as they collaborate to leverage their combined resources and expertise. UPICON's extensive experience and established infrastructure provide a strong foundation for UFS-DEF to build upon. This relationship allows UFS-DEF to benefit from UPICON's vast network, industry knowledge, and strategic insights, which are crucial for effective implementation and scaling of projects. In return, UFS-DEF brings innovative approaches and a focused mission to empower low-income communities and women entrepreneurs, which enhances UPICON's social impact objectives.

The collaboration between UFS-DEF and UPICON grants access to a robust micro-database of MSME cluster beneficiaries. This resource facilitates tailored support and targeted interventions, enhancing efficiency and impact in empowering small enterprises and low-income communities. By leveraging UPICON's experience, infrastructure, and commitment to social impact, UFS-DEF expands its capacity to reach more beneficiaries and implement projects effectively. This alliance not only addresses the needs of underserved women populations but also fosters sustainable economic growth. Through initiatives like ODOP and VSSY, UPICON has already empowered numerous enterprises, underscoring the transformative potential of their partnership and the value of the micro-database in driving growth and sustainability.

Our Programs

Programs offering


Digital Literacy Programs

Enhancing skills in using digital tools and platforms to modernize business operations, improve efficiency, and expand market reach, fostering growth and competitiveness.

Entrepreneurial Training

Comprehensive training in business management, marketing strategies, and financial planning to foster sustainable growth and empower entrepreneurs to expand their ventures.

Financial Literacy Workshops

Educating beneficiaries on financial management, including budgeting, saving, investing, and responsible borrowing practices to promote long-term financial health and economic stability.

Skill Development Initiatives

Specialized training to develop sector-specific skills, enhancing productivity and competitiveness in various industries, and empowering individuals for better employment and business opportunities.

Green Technology Training

Training programs focusing on eco-friendly practices and technologies, particularly under initiatives like Mission Shakti for promoting sustainable development.

Leadership and Mentorship

UFS-DEF offers training in digital literacy, entrepreneurship, financial literacy, skill development, green technology, and leadership, empowering sustainable community growth.